MTRC Contract : C7488
Date: Nov, 2023 to Feb,2024

Project: Provision of Passenger & Crowd Movement Monitoring System for Smart Operations at ADM and TST

Provide the Passenger & Crowd Movement Monitoring System (PCMMS) for Smart Operations at ADM and TST station. The purpose of this project is to develop a system to provide real-time information on passenger flow for Station Operation. The system shall be able to including but not limited to, obtain and record the real-time passenger flow data, display passenger flow information, receive alerts for abnormal passenger flow and review historical data for station planning. In order to support the PCMMS, the Contractor shall develop a Sensor / Video Analytics sub-system and a cloud-based Passenger and Crowd Movement Monitoring Platform, including the design, supply, delivery, installation, interfacing, testing, commissioning, training, documentation, maintenance services and rectification of defects during defects liability period.

The works mainly include: 

  • Sensor / Video Analytics sub-system 

      • Supply and install a Sensor / Video Analytics sub-system, people counting sensor / camera at the selected area including:

        • Escalator landing

        • Lift waiting area

        • Selected platform area

        • Selected strategic location (selected entrance and interchange walkway)

      • Detailed design on people counting sensor / camera installation location and quantity for each selected area.

      • Supply and installation of all the video analytics equipment and network equipment with the equipment cabinet.


Provision of Intrusion Detection System-LiDAR for Tai Wai Station