MTRC Contract : K2630
Date: Nov, 2021 to Feb,2022
Project: Provision of Intrusion Detection System-LiDAR for Tai Wai Station
To address the need from customer for monitoring 4 nos. of tracks in Tai Wai Station, Intrusion Detection System is proposed to be installed at trackside to detect object intrusion on track by adopting LiDAR technology. When the LiDAR detects intrusion on track, vigilance alarm will be provided to the operator via a Man Machine Interface (MMI). If in need, operator and maintainer can further check the monitoring area remotely via LiDAR system’s video cameras when alarm is reported. LiDAR systems’ video cameras only provide surveillance function and do not have video analytic function. In addition, the intrusion detection signal will be sent to other alarm system which is provided by others. A maintenance notebook computer (including mouse, data cable for connection to local computer of Intrusion Detection System) will be also provided with all required software, including but not limited to Microsoft Office and anti-virous software, to control, real-time monitor, configure, download and exchange data and diagnose the Intrusion Detection System, the system server and computer workstations.